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White Noel Pop Up Card


The color white tends to emphasize cold and snow, however, in this mesmerizing scene, the white noel seems to appear cozy and magical.

While white trees often symbolize hope and new beginnings.

The Christmas tree a symbol of Christ. This very ancient custom, exalts the value of life, as in winter what is evergreen becomes a sign of undying life, and it reminds Christians of the "tree of life" of Genesis 2:9, an image of Christ, the supreme gift of God to humanity.

These mesmerizing Noel Trees are covered in snow, but never deliver us the cold of winter, but only the light and love of Christmas.


Inspiration for the White Noel Pop Up Card:

White trees often symbolize hope and new beginnings. Trees are used to represent life and growth in mythologies, legends and novels. Trees are considered representative of life, wisdom, power and prosperity. Philosophers regard trees as observers witnessing the evolution of humans and the planet around them.


Occasions for the White Noel Pop Up Card:

White Noel Pop Up Card is such a meaningful Christmas gift for your family and friends on this holiday!